Today (15/7) sees 3aaa through its trading divisions of NITP and AAP welcome 350 new 16-18 apprentices onto our programmes. All of our academies are full with an average of 7 applicants for every place. 
Good luck to all of our apprentices and good luck in your new job roles.
We are now recruiting for our next intake in September at all of our existing 15 academies with new openings in September in Leicester, Derby, Sheffield and our new academy location in Birmingham. We will be opening in London and Bristol later in the year taking our total academies to over 20, delivering over 2000 apprenticeships per annum and most importantly creating 2000 jobs for young people.
Many thanks to our teams of intake and recruitment consultants for an excellent job well done !
In August, the National Careers Service and the National Apprenticeship Service are

launching a campaign promoting the benefits of careers advice for exam results season.

The National Careers Service will be available for young people (and their parents)

receiving their exam results, with careers advice through the helpline, website and

online chat facility.

We will also run an integrated exam results campaign with the Apprenticeships

campaign called #Apprenticeships1st, which involves PR, social media and marketing

and communications though our network of prime contractors across the country.

We will produce a communications toolkit outlining activity to support partners,

stakeholders and prime contractors, which we will share with you in due course.

We will promote the campaign on our social media channels, where you can help us

raise awareness by ‘liking’/’sharing’ and retweeting our posts.

‘Like’ us on Facebook: and follow us on Twitter.

He did it….. Well done to our Portsmouth Recruitment Executive James Cutting who completed Tough Mudder on Saturday 8th June 2013 at Matterly Bowl, Winchester.

James said ‘This has been a massive personal milestone for me, 4 stone lost in total, and going from being unable to run for 200meters without needing a break to running 12 miles and clearing 21 obstacles. The obstacles were excellent fun (except the ice bath). From 15ft drops into a plunge bath, to crawling through tiny waterlogged tunnels, and I would urge anyone to give it a go. I have already signed up for next year and will be taking on the Great South Run as well in October this year.

I never thought that I could actually do something like this, and a mile in to the course I have to say, I questioned my ability to finish. However you can never underestimate the power of perseverance! You really are capable of anything!’

James and 3As would like thank everyone who has supported the efforts for Cancer Research with already £1000 being donated so far. Anyone who would still like to sponsor James having conquered in an impressive 2 hours 47 minutes you can do so at.:

Students from the NiTP (National IT Partnership) Academy based at South Staffordshire College’s Tamworth Campus have been shortlisted in a National Apprenticeship Scheme initiative. The College works with NiTP to offer Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeships for students wishing to compete for jobs at the higher end of the industry.

The ‘Can you hack it as an apprentice?’ design challenge aims to help increase the number of young people starting Apprenticeships and respond to employers calling on young people to improve the quality of their Apprenticeship applications.

Abby Jackson (19) from Media Links Online, Tyler Brown Jones (17) from The Rich Media Company, Daniel Lawley (18) from Cadlogic and Joe Hardy (20) from Risual, entered the Facebook Challenge, an initiative to design and develop a brand new App or game for the National Apprenticeships Service.

Abbey, Tyler, Daniel and Joe decided to enter the competition under the team name of C7 Productions and spent time planning, designing and developing their concept App in order to produce a specification. Aptly named ‘Professor Wizard’, the App will be an in depth guide to applying for an Apprenticeship based on creating a profile to help users choose their career path and will include an interview quiz to help people prepare for interviews.

A panel of judges from the creative industries has selected a shortlist of the five best ideas, with each developer receiving £3,000 to develop their design into a prototype beta version. Following testing, the most successful developer will receive a further £10,000 to develop their App or game into a fully functioning product.

With the £3,000 funding they receive, the students will create a beta version of their App to go into testing in late June and the challenge will culminate in a prototype Facebook App or game being launched via the National Apprenticeship Service’s Facebook page in August.

Due to popular demand the NITP Nottingham centre, in partnership with New College Nottingham, is expanding to be able to train more ambitious individuals passionate about a career in IT. Just 6 months after the original opening in the New College Nottingham Stoney Street campus NITP Nottingham has already managed to help over 45 young people to find exciting job opportunities in the Nottingham and Derby area through their exciting Apprenticeship programme. The new NITP Nottingham Centre in the Nottingham City Centre will be able to train more candidates in the BT Gold Standard IT Apprenticeship and will be able to provide further service to the many employers in the area keen to recruit an apprentice.

Lee Watts, Centre Manager said ‘It is encouraging that so many employers and young people in the area are passionate about joining the NITP Apprenticeship programme. I am glad that we will now be able to support more candidates to find that all important first job in the IT Industry’.

Thomas Marples, National Operations Support said ‘We are delighted that the Nottingham centre has been such a huge success already, being able to open this new centre will mean we can progress and develop on this fantastic success.’

NITP Nottingham is a fantastic opportunity for people interested in a career in IT and organisations who are keen to take on an Apprentice, intakes run throughout the year. Contact or call 0844 5043174.

NITP opened the doors at its new Manchester site last week to its first group of young enthusiastic Apprentices; this group will be the first in the area to gain the NITP Gold Standard IT Apprenticeship approved by E-Skills. The centre, located in the city centre has already created a number of fantastic job opportunities in the Manchester area. Apprentices will be studying in the newly renovated centre as part of their programme and then spending time with their new employers applying this learning in the workplace.

Lee Harrison, centre manager said ‘We are delighted to have been able to open the centre and start training in the Manchester city and surrounding area. We are already working with many employers in the area to fill some exciting roles for young people looking to work in the IT Industry.’

Thomas Marples, National Operations Support added ‘We are excited to have a centre in Manchester and be able to find so many ambitious young individuals and excellent employers. This centre will hopefully provide Manchester with its next generation of IT staff in the region.’

NITP Manchester is a fantastic opportunity for people interested in a career in IT and organisations who are keen to take on an Apprentice, intakes run throughout the year. Contact or call 01612282162.

Max is delighted to have been appointed as an ambassador for 3AAA Ltd and  his welcoming comments below reflect his commitment to support our growing company:

As Head of Apprenticeship Development for BT I chose 3AAA as our partner for the Sector Managed Apprenticeships project.  I am delighted to have seen that decision pay off handsomely, as hundreds of apprentices have been employed as a result, and are now enjoying a Gold Standard apprenticeship.  Now that I have left BT I hope to be able use my own networks, particularly through my engagement with government bodies and sector skills councils, to promote this excellent company.

Max Reynolds

May 2013.
A partnership between the National Skills Academy for IT, training provider NITP, and BT has created a total of 313 new IT apprenticeships since October last year. 282 of these young people – more than 90% of the total - are working for small to medium sized employers (SMEs).

The apprentices are taking part in the IT Gold Standard Apprenticeship – a new programme, which is designed to help apprentices settle into the workplace and gain technical and professional skills more quickly. They are working towards clearly defined, in-demand job roles and taking advantage of specially developed enrichment activities including a ‘virtual campus’ website and employer-supported events.

The training is quality assured by BT and delivered by NITP at its Further Education colleges in 11 towns and cities across England, with Birmingham and Milton Keynes the latest to join the programme.

Forrest Rundle, an IT Gold Standard Apprentice at Fresh Metrics in Birmingham is excited to be part of the scheme. “It’s a great start to my IT career.  I am learning skills with NiTP and applying them right away with Fresh Metrics, so I can really make a contribution to the company.” His enthusiasm is echoed by his employer, Gordon Wilcox.  “Taking on an IT Gold Standard Apprentice has given us the opportunity to expand our business affordably, and to profit from a world class training programme quality assured by BT. We’re delighted with Forrest’s progress.”

Peter Marples, Director, NITP, says: “Quality apprenticeships help businesses grow their own talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. More and more organisations are starting to realise this and over 100,000 nationwide are now offering them.”

Karen Price, CEO, e-skills UK, says: “Ensuring that apprenticeship training is high quality and relevant to IT employers’ needs is vital to increasing their uptake, particularly among SMEs. That’s exactly what we’re doing through this partnership, and the number of jobs we’ve created highlights the effectiveness of this approach.”

The partnership plans to create 250 further apprenticeship jobs during 2013. These will be in Bedford, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Nottingham, Oxford, Portsmouth, Tamworth, St Albans and Walsall.

The project received co-investment from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills via the Growth and Innovation Fund.

For more information, visit

We are delighted to announce that the directors have appointed our first ambassador to 3AAA. Adam Harris joins this month in a role that we are sure will inspire many of our staff and develop opportunities for our learners across the country. Adam has vast experience and expertise in the IT and business sectors and we are all  looking forward to working with him.

Adam says:

I am delighted to have recently been appointed as the first ambassador to Aspire Achieve Advance Limited, a fast growing training business with a focus on the IT and Accountancy sectors. I will be using my skills, knowledge and networks to promote the business and guide its development to respond to local employers needs, particularly in the East and West Midlands.

For those that know me Education and training is something very close to my heart especially with my Education background. The chance to inspire the learners as well as facilitate my business contacts is something I am really excited to do.

NITP Tamworth were eagerly awaiting the BBC Event at Media City and were not disappointed! The event was very well organised; full of informative and useful presentations and a celebrity appearance to cap it all off!
Our apprentices on reflection felt that they had become even closer as a group and been given a unique opportunity to see a business packed full of technology in an everyday setting.
What’s more coming home after winning the ‘Inter-academy challenge’, they were very pleased with the day! Deservedly so!
One apprentice said ‘I never realised how much IT would be used in the BBC, it was amazing’
Another said ‘It was really well organised and I learnt a lot about other people’
One employer – Rich Bishop from The Rich Media Company’ said ‘I felt like a proud parent when I was looking out for my apprentice. I think all of the employers felt the same way. It was great to see all the apprentices enjoying themselves and for them to hear from the inspirational speakers that were there’
Cath Harvey – AM said ‘It was a long yet enjoyable day. It was great to see the apprentices mixing from across the academies, but the victory for Tamworth in the inter-academy challenge made it even sweeter. Not that I’m competitive!’
Sam Ryall RE said ‘It was a really enjoyable day. It was great to see so many apprentices and employers taking part in all of the activities and working together as a team’


Aspire Achieve Advance